Capacity building of faculty and postgraduate students in Geo-informatics on April 05-07, 2016
Application Deadline (Through head of Institute): March 25, 2016
The purpose of the activity is to build the capacity of faculty and postgraduate students in GIS and remote Sensing tools through hands on practical training. For an agriculture based country like Pakistan, reliable, accurate and timely information on type of crops grown and their acreages, crop yield and crop growth conditions, and availability of water are of vital importance for planners and decision makers. Hence, it is important to build the capacity of faculty and students, working in the water and agriculture sectors, in the use of GIS and Remote Sensing tools.
Objectives of the proposed activity are
To train the faculty and postgraduate students so that they be able to collect and analyze georeferenced water and agricultural field data To equip them with GIS and Remote Sensing tools so that they are capable of acquiring and analyzing the satellite imagery and draw inferences helpful for decision making.
Target Group
Thetraining course will be open to faculty and postgraduate students from higher education institutes of Sindh, who have basic knowledge of computer and training in water, environment, geography and agriculture. Female faculty and postgraduate students are highly encouraged to apply.
Course Content
- Introduction to GIS and RS
- Use of GPS for collection of Georeferenced data in the field
- Use of Google Earth
- Creating kml, kmz and shape-files
- Techniques in importing data in ArcGIS
- Map projections and coordinate systems
- Geo-referencing,
- Vector data creation
- Digitizing
- Thematic mapping
- Satellite data acquisition and analysis
- Spatial and temporal change in land cover& Land use
Expected Outcome
After completion of training participants will be able to:
- Download satellite data and perform supervised and unsupervised classifications.
- Prepare thematic maps.
- Use GPS for collection of georeferenced data.
- Use Google Earth data
Upon completion of the training course, U.S.-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCASW), Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro will issue a certificate to training participants.
Participants will have to make their own arrangements for their accommodation. However, working lunch and tea/refreshment will be served during all three days of the training.
Resource Persons
- Prof. Dr. Altaf Ali Siyal
US-PCASW-W, MUET, Jamshoro - Prof. Dr. Sajjad Ahmed
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA - Prof. Ghulam Hussain Dars
US-PCASW-W, MUET, Jamshoro - Prof. Waqas A. Pathan
US-PCASW-W, MUET, Jamshoro
Training Venue: ORIC Building, Mehran University, Jamshoro
Dr. Altaf Ali Siyal Professor
[email protected]
+92 (0) 335 334 0405
+92 (0) 22 277 1226 (Extt: 105)
Training Coordinator
Ghulam Hussain Dars Assistant Professor
[email protected]
+92 (0) 333 280 6506
+92 (0) 22 277 2250 (Extt: 6506)
Organized by:
U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Water
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro
Sponsorserd by:
United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP)