The Project Launch Stakeholder Consultation meeting “University Partnership Countering Climate Change in Sindh and Balochistan” held at U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water, Mehran UET Jamshoro
the Project Launch Stakeholder Consultation meeting “University Partnership Countering Climate Change in Sindh and Balochistan” held at U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water, Mehran UET Jamshoro.
In the opening speech, Prof Dr Rasool Bux Mahar greeted all the distinguished guests from UTAH, The University of Alabama, the University of Nevada and all the officials from the Public and private sectors. He said Pakistan is vulnerable to climate change and heavy rainfall events. The US State Department awarded a grant to the University of Utah, USA, to address issues relevant to climate change resilience and adaptation in Pakistan. The University of UTAH will provide technical assistance to the three Universities in Pakistan, including Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Lasbella University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Science and Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, he added.
During the ceremony, Prof. Dr Taha Hussain Ali, Vice-Chancellor Mehran UET, Prof. Dr Fateh Marri, Vice-Chancellor Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam and Dr Dost Muhammad Baloch, Vice-Chancellor Lasbella University gave the remarks.
Chief of Party Dr Aslam Choudhry moderated the sessions. Prof Dr Michael Barber gave a detailed project overview. He said the purpose is to implement a University Partnership Project between the University of UTAH team and SAU, MUET and LUAWMS to develop improvements to the curriculum, conduct collaborative research, and provide professional development that creates climate resilience research and education quality.
Deans of the University, faculty members, staff and Officials from the public and private sectors, including PDMA, Sindh Agriculture Department, PARC, Nuclear Institue of Agriculture, SIDA, WAPDA, Sindh Abadgar Board, Sindh Chamber of Agriculture and other organizations were present during the interactive session.
Tag:Capacity Building, Climate Change, climate resilience, Consultation meeting, Lasbella University of Agriculture, LUAWMS, MUET, Nuclear Institue of Agriculture, PARC, pdma, SAU, SIDA, Sindh Abadgar Board, Sindh Agriculture Department, Sindh Agriculture University, The University of Utah, University of Alabama, University of Nevada, USPCAS-W, Utah, WAPDA, Water & Marine Science