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Showing 1-12 of 338 results

Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Talpur, Oxfam International’s regional head in Aisa on inequality campaaign, delivers lecture on “Redefining water resource management for sustainable and equitable use in Pakistan”

October 13, 2017
Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Talpur, Oxfam International’s regional head in Asia on inequality campaign, said that fair distribution of resources is a panacea for all ills as faced by Pakistan and the country needs a paradigm shift in water governance. This …

Spate Irrigation Workshop Jointly Organized by RDF, USPCAS-W

September 4, 2015
Vice Chancellor Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET) Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam Uqaili said that one must come out from one’s comfort zones of life to become successful scientist and researchers used to do things with their idiosyncratic behavior …