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Dr. Ghulam Hussain Dars

Associate Professor

Postal Address

USPCAS-W Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.

Phone Number

0333- 2806 506

Email Address

[email protected]

Dr. Dars has been working at US Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W), Mehran UET, Jamshoro, as an Assistant Professor since May 2015. He did his Ph.D. in IWRM from the USPCAS-W, MUET, Jamshoro. In addition, he completed his MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Portland State University, Oregon, USA as a Fulbright Fellow. Before joining the Center, he worked in the Agriculture Department, Government of Sindh, and the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reform, Government of Pakistan. He has more than seventeen years of experience in water resources development and management. His research includes the following:

  • Climate Change impacts water resources
  • Extreme Value Analysis
  • Flood Forecasting
  • Drought Assessment
  • Downscaling of Climate Modelings

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Ghulam Hussain Dars


  • Rafi, Fehmida, Dars, et al. (2022). An Evaluation of the Extreme Rainfall Event of 2010 over the Kabul River Basin using the WRF model. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Accepted (Will be published soon).
  • Dars, G.H, Lashari, B.K., Soomro, MS, Strong, C, & Ansari, K. (2021). Pakistan’s Water Resources in the Era of Climate Change. SindhUniv. Res.Jour. (Sci. Ser.),pages 95-108 (Book Chapter) in Water Resources of Pakistan: Issues and Impacts
  • Ahmed, Mansoor, Dars, GH,&Abbasi, H. (2021). Calibrating and Validating the Soil Water Assessment tool on the NaiBaran Catchment.  Res.Jour. (Sci. Ser.),53(1), 59-66.
  • Dars, G. H., Sattar, M., Touseef, M., Strong, C., & Najafi, M. R. (2021). Study of Multi-Model Ensemble High-Resolution Projections of Major Climatic Variables Over the Indus River Basin and Pakistan. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 40(1), 104-115.
  • Dars, G. H., Strong, C., Kochanski, A. K., Ansari, K., & Ali, S. H. (2020). The Spatiotemporal Variability of Temperature and Precipitation Over the Upper Indus Basin: An Evaluation of 15 Year WRF Simulations. Applied Sciences, 10(5), 1765.
  • Naz, F., Dars, G. H., Ansari, K., Jamro, S., & Krakauer, N. Y. (2020). Drought Trends in Balochistan. Water, 12(2), 470.
  • Mahessar, A. A., Qureshi, S., Qureshi, A. L., Ansari, K., & Dars, G. H. (2020). Impact of the Effluents of Hyderabad City, Tando Muhammad Khan, and Matli on Phuleli Canal Water. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 10(1), 5281-5287.
  • Jamro, S., Channa, F. N., Dars, G. H., Ansari, K., & Krakauer, N. Y. (2020). Exploring the Evolution of Drought Characteristics in Balochistan, Pakistan. Applied Sciences, 10(3), 913.
  • Jamro, S., Dars, G. H., Ansari, K., & Krakauer, N. Y. (2019). Spatio-Temporal Variability of Drought in Pakistan Using Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index. Applied Sciences, 9(21), 4588.
  • Mahessar, A. A., Qureshi, A. L., Siming, I. A., Kori, S. M., Dars, G. H., Channa, M., & Laghari, A. N. (2019). Flash flood climatology in the lower region of Southern Sindh. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 9(4), 4474-4479.
  • Krakauer, N. Y., Lakhankar, T., & Dars, G. H. (2019). Precipitation Trends over the Indus Basin. Climate, 7(10), 116.
  • Dars, G. H., Najafi, M. R., & Qureshi, A. L. (2017). Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Future Precipitation Trends Based on Downscaled CMIP5 Simulations Data. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 36(2), 385-394.
  • Mahessar, A. A., Qureshi, A. L., Dars, G. H., & Solangi, M. A. (2017). Climate change impacts on vulnerable Guddu and Sukkur barrages in Indus river, Sindh. Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series), 49(1).
  • Siyal, A. A., Misrani, D. M., Dars, G. H., & Ahmad, S. (2018, May). Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Identification of Potential Runoff Harvesting Sites: A Case Study of Karoonjhar Mountainous Area, Pakistan. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018: International Perspectives, History and Heritage, Emerging Technologies, and Student Papers (pp. 20-33). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Tamaddun, K. A., Kalra, A., Ahmed, W., Dars, G. H., Burian, S., & Ahmad, S. (2017). Precipitation and Indian Ocean Climate Variability—A Case Study on Pakistan. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017 (pp. 526-535).
S. No. Title of Research Project Funding Agency Cost (PKR) Role
1 Managing uncertainties in projected impacts of climate change on precipitation patterns in Pakistan USPCASW, MUET 1.631 Million P.I
2 Changing climate in Pakistan: Food Security and Water Management Implications (Produce high resolution climate simulations for complex terrain) USPCASW, MUET 3.12 Million P.I
3 Improved hydro-meteorological forecasts under changing climate using robust modeling techniques USPCASW, MUET 2.76 Million P.I
4 Partitioning contributions between glacier melt, snowmelt, groundwater and precipitation for a major headwater Indus River tributary USPCASW, MUET and University of Utah 3.00 Million Technical Expert
5 Safety Evaluation and Adaptation Mechanism of Water-Energy-Food Nexus in CPEC under Climate Change Funded by PSF, Govt. of Pakistan 3.504 Million Technical Expert
S. No. Thesis Title Student’s Name Program Status Supervisor / Co-Supervisor
As a Supervisor
1. Detecting the likely impacts of climate

change on future precipitation under

CMIP5 climate scenarios in Pakistan

Touseef MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
2. Performance Evaluation of Two Statistical Downscaling Methods in Complex Terrain: A Case Study of Pakistan Mehran Sattar MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
3. Evaluation of Extreme Rainfall Event of 2010 over Kabul River Basin using WRF Model Fehmida MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
4. Sensitivity Analysis of WeatherResearch and Forecasting (WRF)Model to different parameterization schemes over upper Indus Basin Nayyab Agha MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
5. Modeling Hydrological Response of NaiBaran Catchment in changing climate MansoorJiskani MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
6. Drought regionalization and Spatio-temporal variability in Pakistan using Standardized Precipitation EvapotranspirationIndex (SPEI) ShoaibJamro MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
7. Analysis of extreme events in Balochistan province under changing climate Falak Naz MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
8. Rainfall Frequency Analysis using Log-Pearson Type-III Distribution In Sindh Province SaminaLaghari MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
9. Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Using HEC-HMS Model, In LBOD Catchment Dolat Singh MS-IWRM Completed Supervisor
10. Drought projections in Balochistan under Changing climate Noman Laghari MS-IWRM In process. Supervisor
11. Predicting the Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Upper Indus Basin ShafiqKhaskheli MS-IWRM In process. Supervisor
12. Precipitation Trend Analysis Over Balochistan, Pakistan Abdul Wahid Mengal MS-IWRM In process. Supervisor
13. Drought trends in Sindh Province Mohammad Ali MS-IWRM In process. Supervisor
As a Co-Supervisor
14. GIS-based Decision Support System for identification of runoff harvesting potential sites: A case study of Karoonjhar mountainous area Dhanji Mal MS-HID Completed Co-Supervisor
15. Effects of Climate Change on Ground Water Budget: A Case Study of Northern Rohri Canal Command Sohail Ahmed MS-HID Completed Co-Supervisor
16. Hydraulic Assessment of Spinal Drainunder different flow conditions Sheva Ram MS-HID Completed Co-Supervisor
17. Quantification of seepage losses from lined and unlined distributaries using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Parkash Kumar MS-HID Completed Co-Supervisor


  • Climate Change and Water Resources
  • Watershed Modeling

Research Interest:

  • Climate Change impacts water resources;
  • Extreme Value Analysis;
  • Flood Forecasting;
  • Drought Assessment;
  • Prediction of monsoon rainfalls
  • Statistical downscaling;
  • Dynamical downscaling using regional climate models;
  1. Training Coordinator
  2. Member of USPCAS-W Admission Committee
  3. Member of USPCAS-W Purchasing Committee
  4. In-Charge of Computer and Software Lab
  5. In-Charge of Weather Station