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Dr. Naveed Ahmed

Associate Professor

Postal Address

USPCAS-W Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

Dr. Naveed Ahmed has a Ph.D. degree in Biological Environment from Kangwon National University, South Korea with around 3 years of postdoctoral research experience in South Korea. Most of his work is published in peer-reviewed articles in prestigious scientific journals. His research interests include biosensor development, toxicity assessment, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, struvite recovery from swine wastewater, anaerobic digestion, and sulfur-utilized denitrification of groundwater.


  1. Ahmed, N., &Tagar, S. (2022). An assessment of Hygiene Indicator Bacteria and MDR Salmonella on Poultry Butchers’ hands and Rinsing Water at XDR Salmonella Struck Areas. Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 53(3), 307-322. (IF: ESCI-HEC recognized Y cat)
  2. El-Naggar, A., Mosa, A., Ahmed, N., Niazi, N. K., Yousaf, B., Sarkar, B., …& Chang, S. X. (2022). Modified and pristine biochars for remediation of chromium contamination in soil and aquatic systems. Chemosphere, 134942.(IF: 7.086)
  3. Ayaz, I., Rizwan, M., Ullman, J. L., Haroon, H., Qayyum, A., Ahmed, N., …& Ismail, K. A. (2022). Lignocellulosic Based Biochar Adsorbents for the Removal of Fluoride and Arsenic from Aqueous Solution: Isotherm and Kinetic Modeling. Polymers, 14(4), 715. (IF: 4.329)
  4. Ansari, S., Ahmed, N., Mahar, R. B., Khatri, Z., & Khatri, M. (2022). Fabrication and characterization of electrospunzein/nylon-6 (ZN6) nanofiber membrane for hexavalent chromium removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(1), 653-662. (IF: 4.223)
  5. El-Naggar, A., Ahmed, N.,Mosa, A., Niazi, N. K., Yousaf, B., Sharma, A., Sarkar, B., Cai, Y., & Chang, S. X. 2021. Nickel in soil and water: Sources, biogeochemistry, and remediation using biochar. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 126421.(IF: 10.588)
  6. Ansari, S., Ahmed, N.,Mahar, R. B., Khatri, Z., & Khatri, M. 2021. Fabrication and characterization of electrospunzein/nylon-6 (ZN6) nanofiber membrane for hexavalent chromium removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.(IF: 4.223)
  7. Ahmed, J., Wong, L.P., Chua, Y.P., Channa, N., Yasmin, A., Rizwan, M., Ahmed, N., VanDerslice, J.A., 2021. Distribution and health risk assessment of fluorosis in undernourished primary school children in Pakistan. Fluoride, 54(1), p.58-76.(IF: 1.033)
  8. Shim, S., Reza, A., Kim, S., Ahmed, N., Won, S. and Ra, C., 2020. Simultaneous Removal of Pollutants and Recovery of Nutrients from High-Strength Swine Wastewater Using a Novel Integrated Treatment Process. Animals, 10(5), p.835.(IF: 2.752)
  9. Shim, S., Won, S., Reza, A., Kim, S., Ahmed, N. and Ra, C., 2020. Design and Optimization of Fluidized Bed Reactor Operating Conditions for Struvite Recovery Process from Swine Wastewater. Processes, 8(4), p.422.(IF: 2.847)
  10. Reza, A., Shim, S., Kim, S., Ahmed, N., Won, S., & Ra, C. 2019. Nutrient Leaching Loss of Pre-Treated Struvite and Its Application in Sudan Grass Cultivation as an Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Fertilizer Source. Sustainability, 11(15), 4204. (IF: 3.251)
  11. Ahmed, YS Ok, BH Jeon, JR Kim, KJ Chae, SE Oh. 2019 Assessment of benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene (BTEX) toxicity in soil using sulfur-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) bioassay. Chemosphere. 220. pp. 651-657. (IF: 7.086)
  12. Ahmed , SM Shim, SG Won, CS Ra. 2018 Wastewater recovered struvite as sustainable phosphorus fertilizer: characteristics, soil leaching behavior, and plant growth.”Land Degradation & Development. 29(9). pp. 2824-2879-(IF: 4.977)
  13. Won S, Ahmed N, You BG, Shim SM, Kim SS, Ra CS..2018 Nutrient production from Korean poultry and loading estimations for cropland. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 60(1), pp. 3.(IF: 2.225)
  14. Won S, You BG, Shim SM, Ahmed N, Choi YS, CS Ra. 2018 Nutrient Variations from Swine Manure to Agricultural Land. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 31(5): 763-772 (IF: 2.509)
  15. Ahmed & Oh S.E.. 2018Toxicity assessment of selected heavy metals in water using a seven-chambered sulfur-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) bioassay reactor”. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 258, pp. 1008-1014.(IF: 7.46)
  16. Qambrani A., Rahman M. M., Won S., Shim S., Ra C. 2017 Biochar properties and eco-friendly applications for climate change mitigation, waste management, and wastewater treatment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, pp. 255-273.(IF: 14.982)
  17. Qambrani A., J. H. Hwang, Oh S. E. 2016 Comparison of Chromium III and VI toxicity in water using Sulfur oxidizing bacteria. Chemosphere160, pp. 342-348.(IF: 7.086)
  18. Qambrani A., Y. S. Jung, J. E. Yang, Y. S. Ok, Oh S. E. 2015 Application of half-order kinetics to sulfur-utilizing autotrophic denitrification for groundwater remediation. Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (7), pp. 3445-3450.(IF: 2.784)
  19. QambraniA.,Shin B. S.,ChoJ. S.,OhS. E.2014 Assessmentofchromium-contaminatedgroundwaterusinga thiosulfate-oxidizingbacteria(TOB)biosensor.Chemosphere104, pp. 32-36. (IF: 7.086)
  20. QambraniA.,S. H. Jung, Y. S. Ok, Y. S. Kim, OhS.E.,2013Nitrate-contaminatedgroundwaterremediationbycombinedautotrophicandheterotrophicdenitrificationforsulfateand pH control:batchtests.EnvironmentalScience and PollutionResearch20 (12), pp. 9084-9091. (IF: 4.223)
  21. QambraniA.,OhS.E..2013 EffectofNitrateconcentrationand DissolvedOxygenon AutotrophicSulfurDenitrification.AppliedBiochemistry and Biotechnology169 (1),pp. 181-191. (IF: 2.926)
  22. QambraniA.,OhS.E.,2012 Influenceof reactivemediacomposition andCOD as methanolonAutotrophicSulfurDenitrification.Journalof MicrobiologyandBiotechnology22 (8),pp.1155-1160. (IF: 2.351)
  23. GurungA., Van Ginkel,S.W.,KangW.C.,QambraniN.A.,OhS.E.,2012.Evaluationofmarinebiomassas a source ofnaturalgasinbatchtests:A labscalestudy.Energy43(1),pp. 396-401. (IF: 7.147)
  24. Tagar, S., & Ahmed, N. (2021). Assessment of hygiene status of poultry slaughtering facilities and meat handling practices of butchers by using a hygiene assessment tool. Journal of Food Safety and Hygiene, 7(1), 38-51.
  25. Vu N. T., J. Tan, M. B. Ahmed, N. A. Qambrani, Y. Y. Hao, S. L. Zhang, J. Chu. 2016 Scale-down of Cephalosporiumacremoniumcultivations for high throughput screening of high-yield Cephalosporin C s Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological, and Chemical Sciences 7 (4), pp. 22-32.
  26. Hasan, M. Chaiharn, Z. A. Mirani, N. A. Qambrani. 2013 Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of dexibuprofen: Application in pharmaceutical dosage and human serum. Analytical Chemistry: An Indian journal 12 (8), pp. 283-290.
S.# Program Semester Title of Course Degree
1 WaSH 1st Chemistry and Biology of WaSH MS
2 Env. Sci 1st Physical, chemical, and biological processes MS
3 WaSH 2nd Sanitation Systems: Waste reuse and hygiene MS
4 WaSH 3rd WaSH assessment and professional practice MS
5 Env. Sci. 1st Introduction to Environmental Science BS
6 Env. Sci. 2nd Environmental Chemistry BS
Year Project Title Funding Organization / Person(s) in Charge Annual Total Amount (Korean Won) Project Duration(From-To) Role
2022 Molecular source tracking of Salmonella species at different stages of poultry slaughtering HEC, Pakistan 3.5 M (PKR) 24 months Principle Investigator
2022 Pesticide removal by point of use nanofiltration membrane and their rapid detection in water
using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
HEC, Pakistan 8.0 M (PKR) 36 months Co-Principle Investigator
2022 Eco-innovation for sustainable industrial growth of major industrial sectors in Special Economic
Zones (ECZs) under CPEC.
HEC 42 M (PKR) 36 months Co-Principle Investigator
2020-2021 Establishment of prototype wastewater treatment plant at distillery site. 7 distilleries of Sindh Province 8.0 M (PKR) 12 months Principle Investigator
2019 Development of prototype for the treatment of distillery spent wash 7 distilleries of Sindh Province 3.0 M (PKR) 6 months Principle Investigator
2018 Study the biomethane potential of anaerobically digested spent wash from the Matol Industry,
Matiari Sindh
Matol Industries, Matiari, Sindh 0.3 M (PKR) 02 Months Team Leader
2016-2017 Pig manure within the proper management and disposal technologies (ICT based swine manure
automatic diagnosis and control technology development)
CheonamYonam University Academic cooperation/ Ra Changsix 80,000,000 Korean won 2016.03.01~2017.12.31 Postdoctoral Fellow
2016-2017 Livestock manure nitrogen recovery technology demonstration and commercialization. Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Technology Planning and Evaluation/ Ra Changsix 646,000,000 Korean won 2016.03.01~2017.12.31 Postdoctoral Fellow
2015/2016 Self-heating aerobic microbial digestion of livestock waste electrical grafting
chemical technology (ATAD) Process Development
National Research Foundation of Korea/ Oh Sang-Eun 55,399,129 Korean won 2015.09.01~2016.02.29 Postdoctoral Fellow
2015 Development of soil toxicity monitoring method by sulfur oxidizing bacteria National Research Foundation of Korea/ Oh Sang-Eun 67,617,362 Korean won 2015.03.01~2015.08.31 Postdoctoral Fellow
2015 Development of soil toxicity monitoring method by sulfur oxidizing bacteria National Research Foundation of Korea/Oh Sang-Eun 67,617,362 Korean won 2014. 09. 01 – 2015. 08. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2014 Development of soil toxicity monitoring method by sulfur oxidizing bacteria National Research Foundation of Korea/Oh Sang-Eun 67,617,362 Korean won 2014. 09. 01 – 2015. 08. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2014 Development of soil toxicity monitoring method by sulfur oxidizing bacteria National Research Foundation of Korea/Oh Sang-Eun 60,858,820 Korean won 2013. 09. 01 – 2014. 08. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2013 Development of water toxicity remote monitoring system using sulfur oxidizing bacteria Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology/ Oh Sang-Eun 158,850,000 Korean won 2013. 06. 01 – 2014. 05. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2012 Development of water toxicity remote monitoring system using sulfur oxidizing bacteria Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology/ Oh Sang-Eun 180,560,000 Korean won 2012. 06. 01 – 2013. 05. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2012 Development of water toxicity remote monitoring system using sulfur oxidizing bacteria Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology/ Oh Sang-Eun 90,000,000 Korean won 2011. 06. 01 – 2012. 05. 31 PhD/Research assistant
2011 Pretreatment of waste and high efficiency for electricity production from agricultural waste for
microbial fuel cell (MFC) development
National Research Foundation of Korea/Oh Sang-Eun 60,000,000 Korean won 2011. 05. 01 – 2012. 01. 31 PhD/Research assistant
S. No. Student Name Degree Program Role


Graduation Thesis title
1 Ms. Sorth Ansari MS Env. Eng. Supervisor Jan. 2020 Removal of hexavalent chromium in aqueous solution by ZeinNanofibers using Electrospinning Method
2 Ms. Bushra Khan MS WaSH Supervisor Jan. 2020 Detection of Legionella pneumophila in targetted hospitals of Hyderabad
3 Ms. KiranMemon MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor Jan. 2020 Optimization of operational parameter for a sequencing anaerobic-aerobic membrane bioreactor treating fish/shrimp processing industry effluent (saam)
4 Mr. Ayaz Ali Samejo MS Env. Eng. Supervisor Jan. 2020 Treatment and handling of

reverse osmosis rejected

water from textile industry

5 Ms. RafiaKhanzada MS WaSH Supervisor Dec. 2020 Assessment of zinc toxicity in waterusing thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria (TOB) bioassay
6 Ms. JiaSonani MS WaSH Supervisor Nov. 2020 Development of monitoring method for copper toxicity by thiosulfate oxidizing bacteria (TOB) bioassay.
7 Mr. Waheed Ali MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor Sep. 2020 Removal of chemical oxygen demandand colour from sugarcanedistillery effluent by using hybridelctrodes in electrocoagultionprocess
8 Mr. HussainBakhsh MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor 2020 Fabrication of zinc decorated magnetic biocharfor the removal of phosphorus from aqueoussolution
9 Mr. Syed Najaf Shah MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor 2020 Comparative study for heavy metals (Pb) removal from

aqueous solution by pristine biochar and activated carbon

10 Ms. SadafTagar MS WaSH Supervisor Aug. 2021 An investigation of existing sanitation and hygiene conditions ofpoultry slaughtering facilities and determination of antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp.
11 Ms. Murk Gadahi MS WaSH Supervisor Aug. 2021 Assessment of Legionella pneumophila from drinking

Water of schools in Hyderabad and its risk assessment

12 Mr. Tayyab Qureshi MS Env. Eng. Supervisor Aug. 2021 Effect of competitive ions

(Aluminum and Ferric) on

the recovery of struvite

13 Mr. Abdul Haseeb MS Env. Eng. Supervisor Aug. 2021 Study of struvite precipitation

in the presence ofPharmaceuticals

14 Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed MS Env. Eng. Supervisor Aug. 2021 Biodegradation of synthetic Melanoidins from distillery

effluent spent wash using an indigenous microbial


15 Mr. Tehseen MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor Aug. 2021 Biological treatment of amine wastewater using bacterial consortium and reuse of treated water for algalbiomass production
16 Mr. Santosh Kumar MS Env. Eng. Co-supervisor Aug. 2021 Performance evaluation of 3D printed TiO2 Nano-tubes reactor as an efficient device for disinfection of multi-drug resistant (MDR) E. coli.
  1. Editorial board member of Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (eISSN: 2671-5449) as Editor.
  2. Editorial board member of Frontiers in Bio-Engineering and Biotechnology (eISSN: 2296-4185) as Review Editor.
  3. Serving as an internal examiner in various initial seminars, final seminars, and viva voce at uspcasw, institute of energy and environment, and other departments of MUET.
  4. Convener of the self-assessment evaluation team for HEC program evaluation of civil engineering and construction management programs.
  5. Part of the technical committee and chaired the sessions in several conferences held at MUET.
  6. Organized World Water Day 2022 on 30th March 2022.
  7. Serving as an internal quality auditor at MUET.
  8. Served as a judge in the documentary competition organized by the institute of energy and environment on Wetland day.