Management Contract for the Production and Marketing of Safe Drinking Water (Re-Call)
Call For Proposals
Management Contract for the Production and Marketing of Safe Drinking Water
The U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W—hereinafter referred as Center) at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, has installed a modern RO plant for supplying safe drinking water to the population in and around Hyderabad-Jamshoro areas. The facility consists of a brand new operational plant with installed capacity of 20,000 gallons per day along with fully automatic filling and capping of 19 liters PC bottles, newly built underground raw water storage tank of capacity of 30,000 gallons, and two feed and clear water tanks of capacity of 1000 gallons each, water supply infrastructure 4” dia pipe connecting the plant to the MUET water supply system. The total covered area of the building is approximately 12,000 sq. Feet including warehouse. The plant as it stands now caters for the production and distribution of safe drinking water in 19 liters bottles only but, in the coming years, its capacity will be expanded to supply drinking water in bottles of different sizes ranging from 0.33 to 19 liters.
The Center re-invites sealed Call For Proposals from all the interested Contractors / Firms / Parties / Suppliers / Sole Distributors / Sole Agents meeting eligibility criteria, viz. having registration with Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for Income Tax, Sales Tax in case of procurement of goods, registration with the Sindh Revenue Board (SRB), or if not registered, then must register the company within a month as the case may be and are not blacklisted by any procuring agency or authority, to participate in sealed percentage/item rate proposals for the following works to engage the services of a management contractor for:
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the RO plant
- Procurement of 19 Liters PC bottles as per design defined by the Center
- Production and bottling of water as per quality standards defined by the Center
- Marketing/sale of 19 liters bottles through a well-established retail network
Companies meeting the following criteria are invited to submit their proposals:
- At least 3 years of proven experience in providing similar services
- The management contract will be for a period of three years, but to be renewed each year based on meeting the performance criteria as mutually agreed by both parties.
The eligible companies should submit their proposals consisting of the following documentation: (i) A complete plan for the O&M of plant, (ii) Business development plan and its growth over the next three years, (iii) Marketing and sales promotion strategy, (iv) Staffing plan for managing the operations, (v) Salient features of the distribution network and logistics, (vi) Expectations from the Center(if any), and (vii) The annual fee (fixed fee + %age of total revenues generated) will be paid to the Center. The proposal should also spell out increases in payment emanating from business growth over the next three years.
The management contractor will be responsible for managing the plant operations and making operational decisions necessary for the smooth running of the business. The contractor will be able to purchase the raw water and other services (utilities) from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro on the actual cost basis. The Center will monitor and enforce quality control throughout the distribution chain (from production to retailing). All email or telephonic inquiries to seek further clarification on technical aspects of the RO plant and on-site facilities can be directed toProf. Dr. Rasool Bux Mahar, Deputy Director, USPCAS-W, MUET(Cell: 0334-2610651,email: [email protected]), or Dr. Tanveer Ahmed (Cell: 0333-2738613, email:[email protected] ).
Interested and eligible companies may submit their sealed proposals in the office of the Procurement Manager, USPCAS-W, MUETby 16-Jul-2019 up to 01:00 P.M and same will be opened on the same day, at 01:30 P.M. in the same office, in the presence of the Contractors/representative, who so ever will be present at that time. In case of any unforeseen situation resulting in the closure of office on the date of opening or if Government declares holiday the proposal shall be submitted/opened on the next working day at the same time & venue. Any conditional or un-accompanied of the earnest money, the proposal will not be considered in the competition. The proposal should be accompanied by earnest money of Rs. 100,000/- (one lac) to be submitted in the form of a pay order drawn in favor of the Project Director, USPCAS-W, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro. This amount will be returned back to unsuccessful bidders within four weeks of the opening of the proposals. The Center will follow a Single Stage-Two Envelope Procedure(Technical and Financial) for the procurement of said services. The Center reserves the right to reject any or all bids at any stage of the procurement process and may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the acceptance of the proposal. The guidelines for preparation and submission of proposals, RO plant technical and salient features, and other terms and conditions of the contract, can be obtained from the office of Procurement Manager at USPCAS-W, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro or can be downloaded from the Center’s and MUET websites i.e. www.muet.edu.pk/tender-notices&water.muet.edu.pk.
Procurement Manager
Mehran University of Eng. & Tech. Jamshoro
Cell No. 0300-8376911
Email: [email protected]