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Dr. Arjumand Zehra Zaidi

Senior Research Fellow

Postal Address

USPCAS-W, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

My professional experience is in the field of environmental evaluation and decision making. My research interests include optimization and modeling of water resources, environmental and disaster management systems. Most of my research work deals in environmental decision making with the help of various numerical techniques and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) using satellite data.

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Arjumand Zehra Zaidi

S# Title of Research Paper Journal/Publisher Year Impact Factor Category
1 Assessment of the lake water quality using Landsat 8 OLI imagery: A case study of Manchar Lake, Pakistan Arabian Journal of Geosciences/Springer 2022 1.827 W
2 Performance Evaluation Methods for Check-dams in Balochistan: A review. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2021 Y
3 Indus river water level monitoring using satellite radar altimetry Advances in Space Research 2021 2.152 W
4 Impact of water sector interventions on economy, equity, and environment in the rainfed region of Punjab, Pakistan Environment, Development and Sustainability 2020 3.219 W
5 Sensitivity of Direct Runoff to Curve Number Using the SCS-CN Method Civil Engineering Journal 2019 Y
6 Performance evaluation of newly proposed seaweed enhancing index (SEI) Remote Sensing 2019 5.189 W
7 Impact of Urbanization on Basin Hydrology: A case Study of Malir Basin of the Karachi (Pakistan) City. Regional Environmental Change 2019 3.149 W
8 Standing Stock Of Seaweeds In Submerged Habitats Along The Karachi Coast, Pakistan: An Alternative Source Of Livelihood For Coastal Communities Pakistan Journal of Botany 2019 X
9 Geostatistical modeling of dengue disease in Lahore, Pakistan SN Applied Sciences 2019 Y
10 Identifying high potential locations for run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants using GIS and digital elevation models Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018 12.11 W
11 Development of Government Schools in Orangi Town, Karachi Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 2017
12 Remote Sensing and GIS for Dengue Epidemic Risk Mapping in Lahore, Pakistan Pakistan Journal of Science 2016
13 Rainfall-Runoff Modeling using Geo-Spatial Techniques in sub-catchment Tarbela Pakistan Journal of Meteorology 2016
14 Worldview-2 and Landsat 8 Satellite Data for Seaweed Mapping along Karachi Coast Pakistan Journal of Engineering Tech & Science 2015
15 Run-of-River Hydropower Potential of Kunhar River, Pakistan.” Pakistan Journal of Meteorology Pakistan Journal of Meteorology 2015
16 Arguments for inclusion of economic criteria in the total maximum daily load (TMDL) allocation phase Sustainable Water Resources Management 2015 Y
17 Geo-statistical Dengue Risk Model: Case Study of Lahore Dengue Outbreaks 2011. Journal of Space Technolo Journal of Space Technology, Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad 2015 Y
18 Identification of Suitable Sites for Plantation of Biofuel Source Jatropha C. using Geospatial Techniques Journal of Space Technology, Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad 2015 Y
19 Landuse changes and their impacts on the natural drainage system of Malir River Basin Journal of Space Technology, Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad 2015 Y
20 Economic total maximum daily load for watershed-based pollutant trading. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014 2.8 W
21 How to Include Economic Analysis in TMDL Allocations? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2008 3.573 W

Research Map – Dr. Arjumand Zehra Zaidi

Funded by Title Responsibility Amount (million PKR) Status
Higher Education Commission (LCF) in collaboration of Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences Metering the aquifer using smart monitoring and data driven approach to assist in devising adaptive groundwater management strategy in Balochistan. Co-Principal Investigator 24 Awarded (on-going)
Higher Education Commission Indus River Flow Monitoring using Satellite Radar Principal Investigator 7.64 Awarded (on-going)
Altimetry Data and 2D Flood model
Small Grant USPCASW Indus River Water Level Monitoring in Sindh using Satellite Radar Altimetry Principal Investigator 2.9 Completed
Small Grant USPCASW Eco-Innovation in Textile Processing Industry of KITE for Sustainable Product Processing. Team-Member 3 Completed
Water Improvement Sector Program (WSIP) Sindh Study on Water Balance of the Sindh Province of Pakistan Principal Investigator 1.38 Submitted
Small Grant Mangroves for Future Fund (IUCN Pakistan) Seaweed mapping and stock assessment along Karachi (Pakistan) Coast Principal Investigator 1.19 Completed
Higher Education Commission Drought Management Decision Support System (DM-DSS) in Sindh using Remote Sensing Techniques Co-Principal Investigator 7.237 Completed
Higher Education Commission Impact Assessment of Canal Rehabilitation Programs in Sindh using Geospatial Techniques Principal Investigator 3.669 Completed in May 2015
Initiated by ICIMOD under  MyCOE / SERVIR Himalayas Fellowship Program Vulnerability Assessment for Potential Glacial Lakes Outburst Floods (GLOFs) Events in Passu and Bagrot Valley, Pakistan Mentor Student & mentor stipends + fully funded 10-day training in Katmandu Completed in September 2013